The “Cyborg Beast” hand has been created as a collaboration between Jorge Zuniga, Ivan Owen and Peter Binkley.
All files for this design can be found on Thingiverse, HERE.
Cyborg Beast Instructions: HERE
Which Files Should I Download and Print?
Currently, the latest version of the Cyborg Beast is v1.45, which has a file name of Cyborg_Beast_1.45_Marc_Petrykowski_07-1-14.zip
The ZIP file can be downloaded directly using the link above. When you open this ZIP file, you will find the following files inside:
- CB_Finger (bumps) Non-Manifold 1.45.stl
- This is the distal finger phalange (furthest from the palm). This version has bumps on the finger pads to improve grip surface, but has some non-manifold issues that may cause problems with some slicing software.
- CB_Finger (no bumps) 1.45.stl
- This is the distal finger phalange (furthest from the palm). This version has no bumps on the finger pads, but it is fully manifold and should slice cleanly in any slicing software.
- CB_Gaunt (no tensioner) 1.45.stl
- This is the gauntlet (the part that fits over the arm) without a tensioner block (in case you want to add a different kind of tensioner).
- CB_Gaunt (tensioner) 1.45.stl
- This is the gauntlet (the part that fits over the arm) with an integrated tensioner block.
- CB_Hex 1.45.stl
- This is the hex sleeve part that fits into the tensioner block. The non-flexible cords will be attached to these parts, which will then be inserted into the tensioner block and held in place with screws.
- CB_palm 1.45 (left).stl
- This is the palm for a left hand.
- CB_palm 1.45 (right).stl
- This is the palm for a right hand.
- CB_Phalange 1.45.stl
- This is the proximal finger phalange (closest to the palm).
- CB_Thumb_Finger (bumps) Non-Manifold 1.45.stl
- This is the distal portion of the thumb (furthest from the palm). This version has bumps on the finger pads to improve grip surface, but has some non-manifold issues that may cause problems with some slicing software.
- CB_Thumb_Finger (no bumps) 1.45.stl
- This is the distal portion of the thumb (furthest from the palm). This version has no bumps on the finger pads, but it is fully manifold and should slice cleanly in any slicing software.
- CB_Thumb_Phalange 1.45.stl
- This is the proximal thumb phalange (closest to the palm).
For a standard Cyborg Beast, you’ll need to print the following:
- 4 x CB_Finger (bumps) Non-Manifold 1.45.stl OR CB_Finger (no bumps) 1.45.stl
- 1 x CB_Gaunt (tensioner) 1.45.stl
- 5 x CB_Hex 1.45.stl
- 1 x CB_palm 1.45 (left).stl OR CB_palm 1.45 (right).stl
- 4 x CB_Phalange 1.45.stl
- 1 x CB_Thumb_Finger (bumps) Non-Manifold 1.45.stl OR CB_Thumb_Finger (no bumps) 1.45.stl
- 1 x CB_Thumb_Phalange 1.45.stl
By accepting any design, plan, component or assembly related to the so called “e-NABLE Hand”, I understand and agree that any such information or material furnished by any individual associated with the design team is furnished as is without representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, and is intended to be a gift for the sole purpose of evaluating various design iterations, ideas and modifications. I understand that such improvements are intended to benefit individuals having specific disabilities and are not intended, and shall not be used, for commercial use. I further understand and agree that any individual associated with e-NABLE organization shall not be liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of any of the materials related to the e-NABLE hand.
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So I am new to this site. My son Ryan was born missing the 4 fingers on his left hand. He has his thumb and functions quite well. I have been experimenting with some of these 3D prints but lack the skill set to modify the files seeing that Ryan has his thumb. I am looking to modify Cyborg Beast so that he can use his own thumb along with the Cyborg Fingers. Please let me know how this works. I have a 3D printer and was thinking about just cutting out that part but did not want to ruin the integrity of the devise. Look forward to a reply. Thank you!
Hello!! The best thing you can do is to head to the Google+ Group and join up there and introduce yourself and share your need! The Google+ group is where all of the brainstorming and helping goes on and someone will be able to help you modify the files or share ideas of how to go about it!
Our Google+ group is here:
Thank you! I have tried to join the Google+ group but it keeps telling me that I need an invitation to join.
Can you send me an email at info@enablingthefuture.org and Ill send you an invite. You need to have a Google+ account first 🙂
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Hola mi nombre es Pedro Roberto Muñoz Ayala tengo 37 años de edad vivo en Leon Guanajuato Mexico tuve un accidente a los 15 años de edad y su fri de aqnputacion transradial de mano derecha y me interesaria octener una mano para mi mejor desempeño en mis labores cotidianas, como le podria hacer para octenerla o construirla ya que se me hace una opcion muy aceptable, sin mas por el momento espero su respuesta y suatencion por favor se los agradeceria mucho de antemano. mi correo es: pedro_robertomunoz@hotmail.com
Pingback: A “Boy from Ohio”…a Cyborg Beast…and a Cat. | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: Ethan’s 3D Printed Hand & A Letter From His Mom | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: e-NABLING Sierra – Part 3 | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: “Thank You For My Hand.” – From Hayley Age 4 | E-nabling The Future
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Pingback: e-NABLING Kids To Make A Difference With 3D Printing | E-nabling The Future
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seria de gran ayuda si me pueden contactar, mi hermano sufrio un accidente gravisimo el con el cual le fueron amputados ambos brazos, por la prensa de mi pais (CHILE), he llegado a ustedes, es posible me puedan contactar? me interesaría mucho que ustedes pudieran cotizar un par de protesis para mi hermano.
les dejo mi correo electronico por cualquier cosa… menita33@gmail.com.
mi hermano actualmente cuanta con la ayuda de mi mama por lo que sería de gran ayuda estas protesis, así se desenvolvería solo…
If you can email us at letsgetstarted@enablingthefuture.org – it will take you to our intake form!
Feel free to also join our Google+ group:
Pingback: E-nable and Me: a Guest Post by Austin
Is there a rendition of the cyborg hand or any other prosthetic device that works as an exoskeleton on a semi paralyzed hand?? Jcbrown@cmh.edu
Hello Jim – we do not have an exoskeleton design ready just yet. There is a team working on it but it is a few months out. 🙂
Hi, getting a 404 page not found for your link to the current download. Cyborg_Beast_1.45_Marc_Petrykowski_07-1-14.zip
The link to the latest version on Thingiverse is not working (past the end of the known Thingiverse). Is there a typo? A better link?
Hello! Best place to get that answer would be in our forums and Google+ community!
Forums are here: http://forums.enablingthefuture.org/
Google+ is here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102497715636887179986
Thank you!
I am a new 3d printer owner. I have printed a few items without problems. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why when I try printing the cyborg hand my printer, Makergear M2, always drops the bed about 1/4 inch before printing. It keeps printing in the air, of course it is not attaching to the bed and makes a mess. Any help would be much appreciated.
Hello! Best place to get that answer would be in our forums and Google+ community!
Forums are here: http://forums.enablingthefuture.org/
Google+ is here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102497715636887179986
Thank you!
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