(For a larger view of our “Giving Tree” – please click the photo or this link.)
“As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” -Amy Poehler
Over the past few months, Jon Shull – the creator of the E-nable Group – has started putting together a visual “Family Tree” of the various designs and collaborations that have taken place between our members and sharing it with us to remind us where we started and where we are heading.
Watching how fast this “Tree” is branching out and growing …is incredible.
Until you really look at a visual representation of where this Movement started and where it has gone thus far – it doesn’t seem as huge as it actually is.
From the mind of one man in the early 1800s, who created a prosthetic hand carved out of Whale bone, to enable one man…to nearly 500 individuals from around the World -putting their creative minds together to collaborate on 3D printed designs that can enable many!
This Maker movement is growing…and it isn’t just about 3D printing of “Things” anymore…
While the E-nable Community takes great joy in creating these various 3D Printed hands for children and adults – the real spirit of this Movement is not about making as many hands as they can….the E-nable group is about inspiring people to help their neighbors and reach out into their own communities and into the World – and use their talents and skills and passions to make a difference.
We have high schools and Universities that are teaching 3D printing technology to their students and instead of learning how to print and design another notebook binder or business card holder – they are using their classroom time to create Mechanical Hands for children who were born with out any fingers.
We have people from all walks of life in this group – who have not only been inspired to give their ideas away with the hopes of changing the life of a stranger, but who constantly encourage each other to keep giving.
Pingback: TALON 2.0 GOES TO WASHINGTON DC | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: LIAM’S NEW HANDS | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: COMPARING: $42,000 MYOELECTRIC VS. $50 3D PRINTED HANDS | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: SIMPLIFY 3D DONATION | E-nabling The Future
Pingback: Q&A With e-NABLE Founder Jon Schull - Solidoodle