Developed collaboratively by some of e-NABLE’s top designers, the Raptor Hand is designed with ease of printing and assembly in mind. Features include 3D printed snap pins, a modular tensioning system, and compatibility with both velcro and leather palm enclosures. The Raptor Hand is licensed under the Creative Commons-Attribution-Share Alike license.
All files for this design can be found on Thingiverse, HERE or YouMagine, HERE. For detailed instructions on which files to download and print, see below.
You can also use e-NABLE’s web application, the Handomatic, to easily generate the STL files that are pre-scaled to the size you need.
The Raptor Hand is intended to bring together the best and most widely tested ideas from a year of crowd sourced innovation.
The objectives in designing the Raptor Hand were as follows:
- To simplify fabrication and assembly and repair for makers and recipients alike
- To provide a platform and reference design for future innovations, incremental and radical
- To identify a core features set and standardized dimensions embodied in accessible 3D models with progressive licensing terms that will ensure widespread availability and future development.
e-NABLE’s prior “go to” designs included the Cyborg Beast, the Talon hand, the Ody hand and the Talon Beast. To these classics, the Raptor Hand by e-NABLE adds the following features:
- Easier and quicker printing (no supports required)
- Easier and quicker assembly (no Chicago Screws required, simplified cord installation)
- An improved tensioning system (modular design, allowing for easier future development)
- Improved documentation (coming soon)
All of the parts needed for assembly can be found easily in most areas, but if you prefer to get everything in one place, 3D Universe offers kits with all of the assembly materials needed for producing a Raptor Hand.
To obtain the materials yourself, you’ll need the following:
The Raptor Hand instruction manual is available here.
Assembly tutorial by Jeremy Simon of 3D Universe:
Printing instructions:
- Scale all parts as needed (the Raptor Hand is designed to work at scales from 100% through 170%)
- At 100%, the inside of the palm area measures 55mm
- Measure across the widest part of the palm, then add 5mm for padding, then divide by 55 to get the scaling factor (for example, if the palm is 65mm wide, then 65 + 5 = 70, and 70 / 55 = 1.27 – so your scaling multiplier would be 1.27 or 127%)
- Print without supports (palm and gauntlet have some supports built into the model)
- PLA is recommended for this design
- Suggested settings are 0.2mm layer height, 35% infill, 2 outlines
- Refer to file names for part descriptions. The number in square brackets at the end of each file name indicates how many copies of that STL file need to be printed for a complete hand assembly.
Parts reference:
Tying Off the Elastics
In recent revisions of the Raptor Hand, the tie-bars for tying off the elastics have been removed. The elastics should now be tied off at the wedge-shaped holes at the rear of the palm, as shown in the following picture:
By accepting any design, plan, component or assembly related to the so called “e-NABLE Hand”, I understand and agree that any such information or material furnished by any individual associated with the design team is furnished as is without representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, and is intended to be a gift for the sole purpose of evaluating various design iterations, ideas and modifications. I understand that such improvements are intended to benefit individuals having specific disabilities and are not intended, and shall not be used, for commercial use. I further understand and agree that any individual associated with e-NABLE organization shall not be liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of any of the materials related to the e-NABLE hand.
Pingback: Introducing e-NABLE’s Newest 3D Printed Hand Design – The Raptor! | E-nabling The Future
You guys are beyond AWESOME!!! What can I do to help y’all? This is becoming a passion for me and I haven’t even seen the reality of one!! But I want to be part of all this. All I have to offer is “me” (no $, no 3D printer; but I do have some “free time” and two willing hands to create, lick, stamp, fold, type, graph, etc.). PS: I’m actually located in SC not MD and we are waiting to receive a Raptor Hand for my grandson, Ty’rez Johnson (via Dr. Chi, John’s Hopkins thru Hanger Clinic.)
Hello Gail! Please let us know when he gets his hand! We would love to see some photos and get some feedback!
You are welcome to join our Google+ group and check out our volunteer section!
Google+ Group is here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102497715636887179986
Pingback: e-NABLE and YouMagine's Hand-O-Matic - 3D Printing Industry
where do you get the flexible cord and the non flexible cord? Thanks
You can find the flexible elastic cord on Amazon, here: http://amzn.com/B0047BIRUS
The non-flexible cord can be found here: http://amzn.com/B003ZZBXJY
Alternatively, 3D Universe offers kits that include all of the assembly materials needed. These can be found here: http://shop3duniverse.com/collections/3d-printable-kits/products/raptor-hand-by-e-nable-assembly-materials-kit
Hello, I am new here, and would like to know how much total cost will it take for me to purchase a hand for my mom? I only see pictures of young kids. I would like to surprise her on christmas, thank you.
Hi Armando!
We do make them for adults too! We do not sell them though – but we have volunteers who could print parts for you if you would like to assemble and put one together for her as her holiday gift! Please email us at letsgetstarted@enablingthefuture.org and we can get you connected to someone to help!
There are tie off points for the elastic on the palm model shown on the video. The files I downloaded from Thingiverse and printed do not have tie off points.
Did this get resolved? I think our team forgot to upload the newest files but it should be there now.
Know this is kind of old, but it it worth mentioning that the five tiny slits on the top of the palm piece are the tie of points for the elastic. You probably have a newer model than the one in the video.
Thank you Kyle! I will see if we can get Jeremy to redo that part of the video!!
I know that I can buy the kit, but is there information on the size and specs of the non-3D printed parts so I can buy them myself from Home Depot and other stores? Thank you, -Ara
Hi Ara! Yes – I believe the items are listed now on the Raptor page for you (above)
I LOVE what this organization does and want to make some hands! I don’t have a 3D printer of my own, but Im sure there is access to one somewhere here in San Diego. I’ve never 3D printed anything. How would this work? If I just download the zip to a flash drive and take it to a printer, should the files be all set to print?
Thank you!
Hi Courtney! There should be some local libraries near you or maker spaces that would let you use their machines to print a hand! If you would like to make one for an actual person on our wait list – you will need to email us at letsgetstarted@enablingthefuture.org and it will take you to our volunteer form. 🙂
Each hand needs to be sized appropriately – but we also have folks that can help you with that and send you the right file to print. 🙂
I have downloaded your Raptor Hand and printed it on our TAZ4 using ABS and simplify 3D, what materials are you using for this print.
Steve – I believe most folks are using PLA.
Thank you! It looks like the library lets you print for free? Seems too good to be true! Going to check it out. Thank you again for the tip 🙂
Courtney – most libraries that have 3D printers will allow you to print but you may need to reimburse them for materials costs. But if you are matched with a child – they may be willing to be part of the donation and print it for you at no cost. 🙂
Wonderful! Im going to go in when I get some free time on Thursday and see if I can print up a prototype to test it out. Should I just take the “All Parts Right Hand” file and put it on a flash drive? Sorry so many questions, Im just really interested but have never worked in this space.
Pingback: Hands Across Borders • Scout Troops Make 3D Printed Hands For Syrian Refugees | E-nabling The Future
In what kind of store can i buy the non printable parts?
Hi Andre! Many hardware stores as well as craft stores will sell the materials.
Fishing line may be found at sporting goods stores.
You can also order the kits from 3D Universe if you want it all sent right to you.
I live in Brazil, and dont know laws to import things. I’ll try to found here.
Hi Andre – we have some folks printing there in Brazil. Are you looking for a device to be made or wanting to get a 3D printer to help make hands? 🙂
Hello! I am also from Brazil and would like to ask if I may re-use this thread.
I have a 3D printer and would also like to contribute printing parts. But sourcing the non-printable parts here (locally) would be MUCH better than importing form US – since Amazon has been making it harder to ship from US to Brazil. Long story short, Amazon is requiring us to pay taxes in advance (no problem with that) but based on “estimated tax duties” that are incorrect (e.g. asking to pay for high taxes for electronics, even when goods are under $ 50.00 and non-electronics such as the kits you suggested).
It would be interesting to get in touch with people sourcing the non printable parts around here.
I would ask two favors if possible…
1) in the short term, please provide me with a local contact (in Brazil) – someone who you know is printing parts in this country – with whom I could exchange some non-printed materials ideas and
2) in the medium term, if possible, I would suggest to create a new section in this website with links for “sourcing non-printable parts when living outside US”. Each country could have representatives to contribute to that list – and keep it up to date.
Thanks, and congratulations for this wonderful initiative.
Thank you!!
That is a great idea (Section for where to source parts for various countries!) – and would love to have you go suggest that in our forum and google+ group.
link to our forums for asking questions and also the Google+ group!
Hi there, you mentioned that most people use PLA – why is that preferred over ABS?
PLA is corn based while ABS is filled with potentially toxic chemicals.
Because these are being put on small children – we advise that makers use PLA because many children tend to put their fingers in their mouths and very small children may even suck on the fingers without realizing it. 🙂 Better to be safe than sorry.
PLA is not toxic to children. The printing instructions can be found on Thingiverse
Pingback: Hands Across The World • Calling All Makers! | E-nabling The Future
Our 3D printers are configured for ABS only at this time. Do you accept donations printed in larger sizes (such as the 145s) that have been printed using ABS? Thanks!
Yes! ABS is just fine for the larger adult sizes!! Thank you!!!
Our 3D printers are configured to print in ABS only at this time. Do you accept donations for larger sizes such as the 145 size that we would be able to print using ABS? Thanks!
Yes! That would be wonderful!! Thank you!!
Pingback: Hands Across Borders • Scout Troops Make 3D Printed Hands | E-nabling The Future
Awesome! We’ll get started on one, then go from there. Thanks!
I noticed an “Raptor Optional Parts” file which I didn’t download. Is there anything in there which I should be printing for a 135 scale left hand? BTW, I’m printing in ABS (it’s all that I have at the moment). I’ll post on the doodle if I manage to get started 12/2.
Alright, so a person i’m designing for has no wrist joint, is there some way of attaching this hand to the RIT joint in the menu to make this hand work for those without a hand at all? if so please tell me.
I think someone has been working on that in the Google+ Group. Are you a member of the group yet? If so – please feel free to ask there and if not – please join as the folks that are working on designs are all in there and can help!
Google+ group is here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102497715636887179986
I am a teacher and both of my STEM Engineering classes would like to make a hand each, but would like to assemble them as well print them, for the experience. Can Hands Without Borders still use assembled hands even if the scouts don’t get to do the assembly? We are currently waiting to be matched with a recipient but that hasn’t happened yet.
Hello Marie!
Yes! We have a lot of folks who could use them and we can send assembled hands to various locations in need.
Have you been in contact with our matcher? I know we just got a few more requests for hands in the past few days and she might be able to find someone to make one for now!
Hello, me and my science fair partner were looking at how to 3d print a prostethics hand like this Raptor hand- do we just download each part and it will be able to print it or do we need to use a software like Autodesk Inventor to be able to print this? Thank you
Hello Sadaf!
You can download the files directly from Thingiverse and they are STL files and you can pop those right into a printer and print. If you are making one for a specific person – you may need to scale up or down depending on the size needed!
Would like to get help for my son hand for prosthetic 3D prosthetic call me 6193612664
Please fill out our intake form and we can get started finding someone that may be able to help!
Here is the form you need!
Pingback: Build a Prosthetic Hand – At Home! | Exotic Filaments
Printed one of these but the snap pins don’t quite fit together properly. The pins are either too small or the holes too big. Without any dimensions to go by it is very difficult to diagnose where the problem lies. Any suggestions?
Never mind, I found a solution. I had to scale the pins up 13% in the Y and Z leaving the X (length) alone.
Oh good! Glad you found an answer!
Hello, I am very excited to know about this. the prosthetic hand of my father was broke 4 months ago. I was looking for him something similar and then I found out this product, it’s amazing. I hope that I can make one for him for his Birthday on March. I live in Los Angeles, and I wonder if there are volunteers in my city and how can I be part of this wonderful organization. Thanks.
Thank you! We do have volunteers near you!
Please email us at letsgetstarted@enablingthefuture.org and our matcher can help find someone!
I really enjoy doing different things with the 3d printer
Pingback: Scout Troops to Assemble 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands for Syrian War-Wounded Children | 3D Printing
Hi am Kelvin i am really interested with 3D printing i have done some 3d printing designs. We can also design some teeth for who lost some
Thank you
If you are in need of a device there or want to sign up to help – please visit our “Get Involved page” and it has all the links you need to get started!
There is a link to the intake form for both recipients and volunteers, a link to our forums for asking questions and also the Google+ group!
Pingback: 3D Print a New Hand | learning spaces + city spaces
Hi Guys,
Do you have any ideas surrounding fingers? I have 9 amputated fingers, most of them partially (75%) amputated, one fully. By the way, fantastic work you are doing!
Hello!! Thank you!
We have this design here http://enablingthefuture.org/upper-limb-prosthetics/the-owen-replacement-finger/ that may work for you! If you go to the files location on thingiverse – you can see others who have made them and they may also be able to help!
Pingback: Print your own prosthetic: 3-D printing lends a hand to affordable adaptive … – OregonLive.com | Blogs Gerbong Artwork
Pingback: Print your own prosthetic: 3-D printing lends a hand to affordable adaptive … – OregonLive.com | Gerbong Artwork
Pingback: Print your own prosthetic: 3-D printing lends a hand to affordable adaptive … – OregonLive.com | G-Artwork Daily Inspiration
First, I would like to thank you for this. This is truly amazing. I’m working on a first time build of the Raptor hand for the STEM education center where I work. I have it nearly complete but have some trouble with the fingers. I printed the parts using our default settings for the Makerbot Replicator 2 we use. They are:
Layer Height: 0.3mm
Infil: 10%
Number of Shells: 2
I’m assuming the number of shells is same as the number of outlines. The parts had to be cleaned of burr since I printed using supports. However, after some sanding and removal of the extra material, the parts fit nicely and the fingers were able to move with very low friction.
The problem is, after attaching the flexible cords and non flexible cords, the fingers will not fully rotate and form a grasping hand when the non flexible cords are pulled. The fingers move about half way around.
Has anyone run into this problem and is there a quick fix I can try before dissembling the hand and sanding more plastic away?
Thank you,
Justin Kirk
Hi Justin! Best place to ask is in our new forums or in our Google+ community where all the makers gather and can give you info!!
Thank you for the design! My name is Kyle and I was also born with a limb defect. I am currently studying at a college in California that has a 3d printer and have recently made this model. Unfortunately it doesn’t work too well for me due to the nature of my disability, t if there’s any way that I can get involved or help others please let me know! I can’t guarantee anything though.
Is there anyway to get a copy of the assembly video that I could show to my boy scout troop? I can’t access internet at our meeting location. Also is there a video showing the hand in use by the people who would benefit from this?
Kurt – please email us at enablehands@gmail.com and I can connect you with the person who can do that for you!
Here’s a version of the placemat if anyone is looking:
Hi I am 21 and I also have the same problem with my right hand and I’ve been looking for help or something to cover and be able to use my right hand … please help or give me more information about how to get this… thank you
Hello! Please visit this page and fill out the intake form and we can see if we can help!
am ortho surgeon, i know this will make quite a difference. Please advise how i can learn more. I would very much a appreciate how to obtain the Raptor.
Hello Marc! We would love to help get you a demo hand to check out! Please email me at enablehands@gmail.com and I can connect you with someone that can help!
I am building a Raptor Hand and am not sure what screws to use for the tensioner. I got the files from Handomatic and have an R8 measurement of 123mm.
Mark Castellano
We are presenting our very first raptor hand today to a third grade student in our district. We are the Harrison Junior High EAST (environmental and spatial technologies) class in Harrison, Arkansas and we are very excited! We are in the process of printing the cyborg beast for another student in another district! I can’t say enough about this amazing company!!!!
Thank you!! If you have photos and stories to share – we would love to see them! Keep on making a difference!! Thank you!
I am interested in building a prosthetic with a school group,. I see the Raptor Reloaded, and this. Should we make a Raptor Reloaded, or is it OK to make a Raptor? Is this one outdated?
The Reloaded is the newest and most improved version but Raptor works too. 🙂
hey guys, i am a medical orthotics prosthetics student in South Africa. i am asking for permition to use thia article as my assignment please, thank you very much
Of course! You can use any information from our website to help your presentation! Please let us know when it is finished – we would love to see it!
Pingback: Prosthetics and 3D Printing: E-Nable | roboticsfinder
I am a bi-lateral transmetatarsal amputee and am currently fitted with toe filler type inserts inside shoes fitted with ankle-foot orthotics. The degree of difficulty in walking longer distances is great due to the change in gait and the stress placed on my back. Has anyone in your organization looked into creating any type of 3D printed orthotic for amputees with under these conditions? If so, I would greatly appreciate any information on this subject. Thank you.
Hi Wayne! We are not currently working on anything but hands and arms but hope that in the future we are able to branch into other areas to use 3D printing to make a difference!
Pingback: Washington HS students building prosthetic hand for use in real life | News Blog
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Pingback: Scout Troops to Assemble 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands for Syrian War-Wounded Children | 3D Printer Technology