Brave New Worlds – Written by Jon Shull (Founder of E-Nable)
This feels like one of those moments in human history, and in recent history, where a lot is in play.
Millions of good and beautiful people can find each other and help each other. They are here, they are ready, they know what’s at stake, and they are getting to work.
I’m thinking most specifically about e-NABLE, the online community of 3D printing philanthropists I work with, and how our work has been embraced by those who become aware of it. But many other initiatives for the greater good are afoot. And the general overall march of human progress suggests that—despite all of the challenges and mistakes—good and beauty can prevail.
The digital revolution is just one change among many, but it’s changing the way we change our world…and ourselves.
We —each of us individually, and all of us collectively—are hybrids of the digital and the biological. Prosthetics and augmentative devices help our minds and bodies conceive and realize our ever-expanding potential. With the current pace of change we can see and consciously shape the emerging world, and it’s denizens. “O brave new world, that has such people in it!”
It has always been thus.
DNA is a digital code, and here we are.
Our forerunners invented language, and here we write.
We become what we do, in a world that we shape,
by what we invent, and by what we invest ourselves in.
So it falls to us, at this special moment, to bring forth a brave new world of beauty and good, and not some Huxleyan dystopia.
How cool is that?