Thank you for visiting our website! e-NABLE volunteers are working hard to create free 3D printed hands for children all over the world who have been born missing fingers or who have lost them due to accident, illness or war. To date – we have created nearly 2000 free “Body powered” 3D printed devices in over 40 countries and the numbers grow daily!
All of our current designs are shared open source so that anyone that would like to make one for themselves, their child or someone they know – can take the files and create a device or improve upon the design and re-share it back to the community!
The e-NABLE Community is actively working on new designs for children (and adults) with all different types of upper limb differences, but most of our designs require a functional wrist or elbow to power the mechanical devices. We have some experimental designs that are being tested and created by various groups within the community.
One of these designs is the “Limbitless” myo-electric arm that you may have seen in the “Iron Man” video recently!
This experimental design was created for individuals with above elbow limb differences by a team of students at University of Central Florida. Only a few have been created so far and they do have a wait list. This is currently the only team that is able to create these devices as they require more time, electrical expertise and a more robust printer than the average e-NABLE volunteer has to print with.
Developed by the UCF Armory (University of Central Florida), led by Albert Manero, the Limbitless Arm is e-NABLE’s first myoelectric design. The Limbitless Arm is licensed under the Creative Commons-Attribution-Non-Commercial license.
CURRENT DESIGN FILES: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:408641
The Limbitless Solutions team is currently upgrading and improving the previous design which will be released open-source as soon as they have worked out the kinks and can put together an assembly instruction manual and parts list!
For more information on this design, please contact the Limbitless team directly: limbitless.solutions@gmail.com
By accepting any design, plan, component or assembly related to the so called “e-NABLE Hand”, I understand and agree that any such information or material furnished by any individual associated with the design team is furnished as is without representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, and is intended to be a gift for the sole purpose of evaluating various design iterations, ideas and modifications. I understand that such improvements are intended to benefit individuals having specific disabilities and are not intended, and shall not be used, for commercial use. I further understand and agree that any individual associated with e-NABLE organization shall not be liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of any of the materials related to the e-NABLE hand.
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Saludos desde mexico , este email es paa felicitarte , tu proyecto esta muy bueno quisiera saber si tengo la posibilidad de que me des unos tip para crear una yo , de ante mano un cordial saludo
¡Hola! Si usted está en necesidad de un dispositivo y necesita ayuda – por favor email a nuestro equipo matcher en enablematcher@gmail.com y pueden ayudarle a obtener la información que pueda necesitar o ayuda para encontrar a un voluntario cerca de usted!
So many children could be helped by this technology.Also, there are so many adults and children worldwide, victims of war and accidents, who now may have hopes for a better life!
What about adults? How does one help an adult who needs a limbitless if I do not know how to do 3 d printing?
We make helper hands for adults too!
You can get ahold of the folks at Limbitless here:
As I understand it the idea is to register and link up with local people who do have 3d printers and can provide print on demand. The recipient, the person who gets the solution, has to be a part of that. The more input, the better, but getting it the best fit takes some practise even with the simpler designs. This one is designed to be motorized and controlled too. It’s complexity is challenging by building with the help of a local maker space, hackspace, fab labb, or other kind of workshop.
3d printer volunteers are there to print, but we are not great at guessing what will work. Preliminary measuring and final assembly, tweaking and fitting take some time and effort too.
As a lady that grew up with only 1 hand (my arm goes just below the elbow….I say God bless E-Nable.
Thank you so very much Donna – and please consider getting on our matcher list for when we come out with a proper device that would work for you. We actually need more adults to try these because we can get more honest feedback so we can improve them!
Here is the form to fill out to get matched with a maker who can print parts!
Feel free to join our Google+ Group too!
Is there a way that we can have these made?
Hi Lacye!
So glad you found us! If you can email us at letsgetstarted@enablingthefuture.org and it will take you right to the intake form that will help us get you started! 🙂 We have a few folks that are able to do the Limbitless arm design but as you can imagine – the wait list is a bit long but please fill out the form and we will get you on the list and let you know when we can match you up!
Looking at the design, finding some local geeks who understand what Arduino is and how to build it. Actually building it is a hand skill.
It is maybe 10 times more challenging than making a Raptor, but arguably a more satisfying end solution.
Pingback: Limbitless Solutions' 3DP Bionic Arm - 3D Printing Industry
how long does the battery last by the way? is it susceptible to water damage?
Hello! The folks to ask that question would be the team at Limbitless!
Here is an email for you!
Have you tested a way to sense different extenders/flexors for more independent motion in the digits? The limitless arm is an incredible achievement. I am just curious if you have more complex designs in the works.
I believe they are working on a variety of upgrades!
I have lost the lower half of my left arm in a traumatic accident. I Would like your help to regain functionality in my hand.
Hi Pepper!
Please email us at letsgetstarted@enablingthefuture.org 🙂
Hello! I will try to print this but can you tell me can I get the code to program the arduino board? Help will be appreciated! Thanks.
Pablo – pleases email the limbitless team – here is their website:
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Love what you all are doing! Please send contact information – I think there’s a way the non profit I work with can help a few of you recipients (and have something fun in mind for May 1, 2015) Thanks!!
Please visit our “Get Involved” page for more info!Thank you!!
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Pingback: Tony Stark Gives 3-D Printed Bionic Arm to 7-Year-Old Boy
I just saw the Iron Man story on TV and on Tumblr, and I just want to say that your work is incredible. Bionics technoloy is already amazing but for your team to “print an arm” is amazing! Your work can help change so many lives and I truly aspire to be as influencial as you are and to change lives like you. Thank you for helping a fifteen year old find a goal to strive towards.
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You are so awesome, unbelievably cool. The story on World News touched my heart.
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I want to get involved and have my company adopt this charity. Who do I need to contact…?
Please visit our “get Started” page and you will find the links and info there!
I’m in tears browsing through this site. These children are so fortunate to receive these arms at a young age, to help them not only physically but emotionally. My daughter will be graduating from high school this Spring, and has done everything with one hand. She had no interest in wearing the traditional heavy, hot and sweaty prosthetics that she was fitted with as a child. What a wonderful opportunity these children have to assist in their endless opportunities. Thank you for all you do!!
Thank you Teri! If she would like to try one – even just for the heck of it – Please visit our “Get involved” page and fill out our intake form and we can get started finding someone that might be able to help! http://enablingthefuture.org/get-involved/
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Pingback: Little Girl Gets An Amazing Purple And Pink 3D-Printed Arm | Seek a Geek
I’m a grandfather of a beautiful little girl who was adopted 4 years ago from China. Discarded because she has a wrist , Palm with nubs but no hand or fingers I wish to obtain more information. Lia is so interested in learning and very active. How do I proceed with the possibility of a prosthetic hand. Thanks. Opa
Hello! Lia has a very wonderful Opa!
Please visit our get involved page and fill out our intake form and then we can see if one of our designs will work for her!
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I have all the material needed to 3D Print and assemble 2 Limbitless Arms, but I may have an issue with the mounting hardware from Hand to arm. The specs say 6-32 screws but no length of the screw is included. I do not see anywhere where it says the length and I may have bought too short of screws. I have the Helicoils for the screws as well. Any one with an idea how long the screws need to be?
Please contact the limbitless team – I think they have an updated design and a team that can help!
I would also like to add, what is the size of the wire we need to use for the electronics there is no spec on this in the instructions.
Hello! Please contact the Limbitless team for more instructions – we hope to get updated as soon as we can!
Email: limbitless.solutions@gmail.com
What is the best 3d printer for building the limbitless from? I am thinking about buying an M2 for this purpose. If this is the primary applicatioin of the printer is there one that is better suited to this task?
You will want to contact the Limbitless team directly for that question!
Hello I was wondering what the minimum platform size required to build the “Limbitless” arm was? I was hoping to build it on my m3d printer.
Hi Zizzy! You would need to contact the Limbitless team for that information! 🙂
I teach 2nd grade, and there is a little girl in my class who has only one hand. Her other arm only developed slightly below the elbow. I would love to be able to help her! Please let me know how!
Hi Christy! Please visit our Get Involved page and check out our e3STEAM program for schools. Perhaps your class can all help build her a device! 🙂 We have a lot of schools participating and it’s such an awesome experience for the kids to get to help make their classmate a hand! We may also be able to match you up with another school of older kids who could possibly help too! – Jen
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Hi, I am writing from Ecuador, I am working with my 3D Printer and I want to print this Limbitless arm, please could you help me with the link to download the files to print, and some instructions how to assembly, what filament is better for this PLA or ABS, some parts need to be printed with flexible filament? Which?
Hello Luis! Please contact Limbitless directly as they are updating their files and info!
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