Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D modeling software tool that has professional capabilities but is far more user friendly than other professional solid-body modeling packages. It is a relatively lightweight install (800 mb), runs on both Mac and Windows, supports easy file sharing, version control, import/export of common CAD file types, and has powerful parametric tools and analytic mesh tools that are well-suited to the challenges faced in designing low-cost prosthetics. More on Fusion’s features can be found here. An example of the mesh-fitting tools available in Fusion:
Setting Up Fusion 360
Download the latest version of Fusion 360 here, and then launch the installer.

Getting Started Modeling
There are a ton of great resources for learning Fusion. The best place to start if you are new to 3D modeling is the Fusion 360 for Beginners Youtube Playlist. It covers all the tools needed to get started modeling. If you have some experience modeling, but are new to Fusion, take a look at the Tips and Best Practices playlist. It has a lot more information about techniques and more powerful modeling strategies. There are many more specific tutorials and tips on the Fusion Learning Page as well.
e-NABLE maintains a collaborative repository of design files in Fusion. Contact Andreas Bastian for access. The e-NABLE community is producing targeted tutorial videos to help members get up to speed on Fusion and start designing. In the video below, Andreas covers using basic “bread and butter” solid-body modeling tools to model a proximal phalange.
Andreas, I just completed a Cyborg Beast and downloaded/installed Fusion 360. Could you please provide access to the E-Nable Sandbox to me at ******* Thank you for your help. Regards, Reid Becker
Could you please provide access to the E-Nable Sandbox to me at
Hi Stephen – please email and they can help get that information for you!