Whether you are interested in becoming a volunteer to 3D print and assemble devices for those in need or you are here to find out what your options are for building your own device or having an e-NABLE volunteer help you create one – we have a variety of options and suggestions that will hopefully help you to your ideal end result!
The e-NABLE Hub is a social platform where you can ask questions and get advice from our volunteers. It’s also the place to find our informational resources, including the following:
- How to Make an e-NABLE Device for Yourself
- How to Have an e-NABLE Device Made For You By a Volunteer
- How to get started as an e-NABLE Volunteer
- e-NABLE Frequently Asked Questions
- Useful e-NABLE Links
- Safety Guidelines for e-NABLE Devices
- e-NABLE Devices (files, instructions, video tutorials, etc.)
- e-NABLE Digital Badge Awards (earn recognition for your e-NABLE activities!)
- e-NABLE Web Central (for matching e-NABLE volunteers with people seeking devices)
For an overview of how to use the e-NABLE Hub, please watch this video demonstration.
- e-NABLE is not a company. We are a global volunteer network of digital humanitarians.
- It is strongly suggested that you work with a medical professional before and after receiving an e-NABLE device. e-NABLE volunteers are not medical professionals and are not qualified to determine if an e-NABLE device is appropriate for a specific individual.
- 3D printed e-NABLE devices aren’t for everyone.
Need additional help getting started? Have questions about e-NABLE?
3D Universe, a long-time partner of the e-NABLE Community, provides email, phone, and live chat based support for the e-NABLE Community and e-NABLE Web Central. Feel free to reach out to them if you have any questions.
Live chat: Click on the chat bubble in the lower right corner of this website. An automated assistant will try to answer your questions, but if a human operator is available, you will also have the option to talk to a real person.
Email: support@e-nable.org
Phone: 800-689-4344 (within the United States) or +1-847-594-8292 (international)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enableorganization
Twitter: @enablethefuture
Instagram: @enablethefuture
I would like to get hand built for my 7 year old lille brother. He thinks because his missing a hand he can’t do certain things I always make sure he can do much more then he thinks. Please contact me if we can get together an get a hand built for him were from California. Thank you!!
Please visit our “Get involved” page and fill out our intake form and we can get started finding someone that might be able to help! http://enablingthefuture.org/get-involved/
I’m also looking to have a hand made, have you been contact by anyone yet?
Chris – please submit an intake form (it can be found on our get involved page here: http://enablingthefuture.org/get-involved/) and we can see if we can help!
did you get sorted and where are you if you didnt?
I work in a biotech company with access to a 3D printer and am trying to assess if I could use the equipment to be a fabricator. I haven’t reached out to anyone internally yet and was wondering if anyone has any experience working in a for-profit company that owns 3D printers and using them for this great cause?
Please visit our “Get involved” page and fill out our intake form for volunteers! We can always use help! http://enablingthefuture.org/get-involved/
Hello there,my son has a condition called arthrogryposis which affects his elbows which are fused straight an his wrists are bent under,he is awaiting surgery to straighten one of them.he has normal muscle function but his fingers don’t bend.if you need any help with your studies he would be more than happy. He is 16 and called blue.many thanks.tracy
Hi Tracy!
Please visit our “Get involved” page and fill out our intake form and we can see if our designs might be able to help! http://enablingthefuture.org/get-involved/ – please keep in mind that our devices are currently wrist and elbow driven and they require movement in those joints.
How do I can volunteer for this great initiative ?, further Ideally, the product may have the option to change language . THANKS
Please visit our “Get involved” page and fill out our intake form and we can get started on seeing about getting you as a volunteer! Thank you!!
Please Help my son!
My son is without left hands from born . He is three years birthday for last week.
he told me “daddy, mommy! I want my left hands a birthday present! why I dont have a hands…..?”
To hear him talk when I was so sad.
We are Japanese we live In japan. so sorry we are not good speaking English.
we need a your help so much.
I would to speak more to someone about my son’s hand. Is there a better way to reach you?
Hello – please fill out the intake form and then our matcher team can help determine if our devices will work for you!
Hey Jen,
I can take this job on for Hiroshi if you need. I speak Japanese and will be over there in July and may be able to support with fitment also.
Hello! Can you email us? enablematcher@gmail.com – Melina can help with this! Thank you!!
喜んでお作りします!直接メールを下さい。日本語でも大丈夫です。matbowtell@gmail.com マット ^o^
Hi my name is Laura, i have 4 1/2 yrs old son was born without right hand, me and his dad have show our boy in youtube about the prosthetic hand and our son would love to have one, i went into the web site but doesnt let me do anything jst stays on 16% completing that is it.
Hi Laura – please give it another try – maybe on another device or different browser!
Hello, how can I register our university 3DPrint Lab for the project?
Dear e-NABLE,
I am a veterinarian seeking help for one of my canine patients. This is a serious request and I was directed to your site after posting to a maker oriented forum.
I recently saw a young male dog with right forelimb paralysis due to being hit by a car. He has a hard time going on anyhting but short walks, and has a hard time keeping up with his two kids. There was a prosthesis made by 3D Systems for a dog, born with bilateral forelimb abnormality, and it looks like that prosthesis would work very well for my patient. I have tried to make contact with 3D systems, but have not heard back from them.
I can see that this site is meant for people, but I am looking for some help and direction in how to go about getting a prosthesis made for him. I would also like to learn more about this technology and eventually conttibute to similar efforts. But I really need some help in geting started for this little guy.
Any suggestions or help would be most welcome.
Hi Greg! Please visit our google+ group where our designers merge! someone there may be able to help!
Im taking an animation course that will teach me how to use Maya and Blender for 3D modeling.
This is something I REALLY want to be a part of. what other skills would I need to participate?
Hi Stephen! That would be a great question for our Forums! You will find lots of help in there!
This is so amazing! I definitely want to get involved in any way I can. My boyfriend recently lost his leg just below the knee and I have become so much more aware of prosthetics as a result. Do you have any plans of doing legs eventually? Keep up the amazing work!!
Hi Lisa! Unfortunately, the home based printers that our volunteers are using to create the hand designs, do not have the capacity to create weight bearing devices for lower limbs but there are some companies that have higher end printers that are now exploring the potential to 3D print legs and feet. Someday soon we hope to see them out there and available!
Thanks for the info! I am still definitely interested in helping in any way I can. I have a degree in Public Relations and years of marketing experience. I am also working on a Master’s in psychology and working with amputees has become one of my focuses. I’m excited to help in any way I can!
Hi, Please Can I get the hand design to use. I have already had a 3D printer.
Hello – our devices are listed on the website with links to their files. If you are in need of someone to help you print it – please fill in the intake form and we can match you with a mentor!
This sounds like a great project and I would love to get involved. Are there opportunities available to 3-D print a large quantity of prosthetics, or is it strictly on a one-on-one basis?
We have a big one coming up – Nepal needs our help! Please sign up and also make sure to watch the Google+ community page/facebook and twitter accounts for calls for large numbers needed!
I would like to join e-NABLE as a fabricator and designer. I’ve already built Raptor Reloaded hands for a familial acquaintance who lives in my local area. Given the pre-existing relationship, it was natural for my wife and I to meet at this families home when presenting a new hand or working on an existing one. For future volunteerism, I could agree to e-NABLE’s ‘no home meeting’ requirement of the member disclaimer, so long as e-NABLE agreed that there would be no conflict with this pre-existing relationship. If someone with e-NABLE can confirm this doesn’t represent a conflict, I would be happy and excited to join.
Hello! Our “No home meetings” is a mere suggestion and internet safety reminder. 🙂 It is ultimately up to the individuals involved to keep themselves safe.
Please feel free to join us!! We would love to have you!
I am from Nicaragua the 2nd poorest country of America and I want to gave a prosthetics hand for a six years guy.
Please let me know how i can apply to this program.
Enrique Aguilar
Hello Enrique!
Please fill out the intake form listed above on this page to get started! Thank you!
I have a little cousin that was born without an arm he’s missing from the forearm down, but he is Mexico and i would ready like to help him, i was wondering if you guys could help me. From San Antonio TX.
Hello 🙂 Please fill in the intake form linked in the “Need a Hand” section above!
Hi! Really excited about sending our printed Raptor Reloaded test model for QC. I’ve filled out the submission form, but can’t find a shipping address anywhere. Where should I send the test hand?
There should be an address on your welcome email that was sent out after you filled in the forms.
Please email enablematcher@gmail.com for more information.
Hello. I was wondering how does the child eventually put on the actual prosthetic to connect it with its nerves so the child may move their finger. Is that procedure done by a pediatrician of choice or do the fingers not move? Please let me know how it works AFTER the child receives the limb. Thank you.
Hello –
Our devices do not require or use nerves to function.
They are purely mechanical. The child needs to be able to bend their wrist or elbow and that then pulls on cables and closes the fingers of the devices. There is nothing that connects to the nerves. It is all external and non invasive. The hands only have a basic grasping motion (All fingers and thumb close at the same exact time and do not move individually)
Hello, My 7 years old daughter is starting to have questions about prosthetic hands. She is missing her pinky and index finger on her right hand and her middle and ring finger are fused together she does also have a thumb. Do you have any suggestions as to what I can look into or help her with? Thanks
Hello 🙂
At this time – we do not have a design that would fit her hand shape but you are welcome to submit an intake form and send in photos and we can put her on a list to see if someone has the design skills to try to make something that may be able to work for her.
The Form can be found on our get involved page here:
there are people in my area who needs an arm.
I am a Mechanical Engineer and i have a 3D printer and i’m willing to help them out but i need the designs for the arm. could you please send the files to me on this email: yousef-alhajj@hotmail.com
Please email the support team at support@enablecommunityfoundation.org 🙂
Dear E-Nable,
I am a student at National Cathedral School, a rigorous all girls school located in Washington, DC. After coming across your website through a New York Times article, I had the idea of starting a club to print and assemble hands for your organization. I received an automatic email on August 10th, in response to my volunteer application. It informing me that your organization is experiencing an overflow of emails and support. Congratulations on the growing support!
I am eager to get started, and am experiencing a great deal of interest from my peers, as well as our head of school. We are eager to join your team of volunteer fabricators, and look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
In order for my club to be formed, I need to confirm that I am an official volunteer for E-Nable before the deadline in 2 weeks. Hopefully I can get ahold of someone by then! If not, I will have the opportunity to start the club again next year.
Hello Beata!
This is very exciting! Im going to have you email our e3STEAM Coordinator: Rich Lehrer: e3coordinator.enable@gmail.com and he can help get you what you need!
is there anyone in the UK to contact about these?
good afternoon my name is my Daniswara of Indonesia , Yogyakarta city , how do I want to buy a fake hand of a 3D printer for my child ??
thanks much information e – Nable
Hello! We do not sell the hands but if you click on the “Get involved” link on the main page – you can fill out the form to get on the list for a volunteer to print one for you if your child has a functional wrist or elbow!
Thank you!
I live in Kanagawa Japan , I will buy a printer3d and I want to help printing hands, please contact me and let me know if you need further information about me and my family
Hello! We would love to have you sign up! Please visit our home page and click on the “Get involved” tab and fill out the intake form! Thank you!
the intake form link is not working, Can you please let me know how to access the form? thank you
you can email us at support@enablecommunityfoundation.org and one of our volunteers can help!
we would like to cooperate with you. We are a Profesional Industrial 3D Printing service.
We would like to donate Hands made out of PLA, ABS, PA12 and Alumide.
But we would like to do more. We are currently working on a easy to use scanning app that would help to get better Datas from the arms to have better fitting hands.
Please contact us to talk about possibilities. We would be glad to help a lot of people here in this great movement!
Hello! Please email us at partners@enablecommunityfoundation.org 🙂 Thank you!!
I’m a student reporter for Georgia Southern University and I am doing a story on 3d printed prosthetics. I was wondering if anyone could get in touch with me about an interview and possibly certain multimedia aspects.
please email us at enablemediainfo@gmail.com 🙂
Nice Post