Are you one of the many amazing and fun Doctor Who fans roaming the universe?
Do you like to help raise money for organizations and groups who are trying to make a difference?
Are you one of those people that…RUNS ON PURPOSE even when there isn’t anything chasing you?
Do you collect “Race Bling?”
Well if you are any or all of those things listed above, have I got some great news for you!
Put on your running shoes, your dancing tights, your treadmill shredding 80’s headband, your “Flashdance” legwarmers, your cycling socks, your hiking boots, and your swim floaties and get ready to move your body, exercise and #upgradeyourself while also helping to raise money for some of our e-NABLE Chapters who are most in need of materials and support to create free 3D printed hands and arms for the kids and adults who are on long wait lists in their countries!
I am so excited to announce that the Whovian Running Club is putting on a fun and fabulous Virtual race and donating the profits to help support e-NABLE!
Whovian Running Club is one of 3 running clubs created by Brian and Dawn Biggs who registered their 501c3 Random Tuesday in 2015 in hopes of using their running hobby to raise money for other charities while also encouraging people to get out and exercise and improve their health at the same time.
Since 2014, Random Tuesday, Inc has raised over 1.9 Million (and counting) for over 25 deserving charities with .70 cents of every dollar from registration fees and t-shirt sales being donated to their charity partners!
What is a virtual race you ask?
A Virtual race can be done anywhere, at any time in any place you want. You can run, walk, skip, hop, dance, Monty Python Silly Walk on your favorite hiking trail, your treadmill, your neighborhood streets and local track or do laps around produce section at the grocery store…it’s pretty much up to you!
The best part? You earn a really cool medal inspired by your favorite fandom without having to wake up early and line up on a starting line and the proceeds go to support our volunteers who are in need of assistance to continue helping make free 3D printed devices for their recipients!
If you would like to participate in this event – please see below for more information and where to register!
Thank you for helping us to continue to make a difference and “Give The World A Helping Hand!”
The Handles 5k!
Our second event of 2018 honors the Doctor’s longest-serving companion: Handles! For 300 years, Handles was with the 11th Doctor on Trenzalore keeping him company as he defended the town of Christmas. All participants will get an amazing 3″ Handles medal, custom satin ribbon, and the always popular custom digital bib.
The Doctor couldn’t get the parts to keep Handles going, but we’re going to provide the parts to raise up dozens of children. We are honored to announce that our charity partner for the Handles 5k is Enabling the Future (e-NABLE) – a global community of amazing volunteers who use 3-D printers to create custom hands and arms for those who were born missing fingers or who have lost them due to war, disease or natural disaster. The e-NABLE Community is made up of teachers, students, engineers, scientists, medical professionals, tinkerers, designers, parents, children, scout troops, artists, philanthropists, dreamers, coders, makers and everyday people who just want to make a difference and help to “Give The World A Helping Hand.” And Whovian Running Club plans to use the Handles 5k to give these children an “upgrade” with the proceeds going to clear backlogs in Sierra Leone, India, and South America!
And don’t forget to get your event shirt! When you get this awesomely geeky shirt, you’re not just helping to “upgrade” these kids…you’re telling the world that you’re “upgrading” yourself by running/walking your 5k and being healthier and happier!!
The suggested run date for this event is Sunday, 11th of March, 2018.
Why? Because it’s the birthdate of one of our favorite actors…the amazing John Barrowman! This is just a fun suggestion…you are welcome to complete your 5k whenever you want!
All medals will be mailed once registration closes in March.
Thank you to everyone in the Whovian Running club and for everyone else who signs up to participate in this global event (YES!! I said GLOBAL! You can participate outside of the USA too!!) to support our many e-NABLE Chapters in need of financial assistance!
All funds raised from this event will go toward:
• Providing materials and supplies needed to create more 3D printed e-NABLE Devices in areas where funding is small and wait lists for devices are long with a focus on India, Sierra Leone and Latin America.
• Supporting the global e-NABLE Community and our efforts to make sure that we are able to continue providing assistance to those in need of a “Helping Hand.”
• Creating a Summer Camp experience for children in need of 3D printed devices who want to be paired with a designer to bring their ideas to life and create their own hands and arms!
Please follow us and our friends at Whovian Running Club on our social media pages and make sure to use our event hashtags so we can see your beautiful faces and hopefully your fun outfits while you get out and complete your 5K runs!
Twitter: @enablethefuture
Instagram: @enablethefuture
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enablingthefuture/
Whovian Running Club:
Twitter: @WhovianRunners
Instagram: @WhovianRunningClub
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WhovianRunningClub/
WHO do we want to thank?
These people!