“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.” – Kahlil Gibran
A few months ago, David’s father had seen a video or two about the hands that our E-nable group have been working on and contacted a friend who suggested a mutual friend of theirs may have the know how and skills to create one for his son.
So Pablo Shoijet got to work on creating a “Talon Hand” for David and in the last couple of days – David got to test it out for the first time!
The gifts that are coming out of this E-Nable group are simply beautiful…not just the hands that are being fitted to people who were born without or have lost fingers due to accident, disease or war – but the gift of sharing their time, their talents, their designs and their passion…and giving it away to the World for free.
All of the designers and creators in this group are donating their “free” time to this project.
Because they love to create.
Because they want to help.
Because they love to give.
Because they have talents and skills that can be used to make a difference in this World.
Because it is not just a gift to the recipient…but to the gifter as well.
Hands are being created for children and adults all over the World…the “Tree” is growing and getting bigger every day.
Pingback: A Hand For David | My Build Log
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