The Talon Hand is probably the most durable e-Nable hand design and boasts the greatest grip strength, but relies on a user with a greater range of motion. It is also one of the more challenging and time-consuming e-Nable device to assemble. The Talon mounts onto a leather shoe-and-cuff to make it wearable by the user. The Talon Hand is licensed under GNU GPL V3.
Assembly Instructions
The most up-to-date files are available for direct download here. The zipped folder includes two different versions for the fingers: one set that uses snap pins, whose files end in “Snap.stl” and one set that uses Chicago screws, whose files end with “Chic.stl” (see our hardware sources page for Chicago screw sourcing).
Talon Hand Assembly Tutorial Part 1
Talon Hand Assembly Tutorial Part 2
Talon Hand Assembly Tutorial Part 3
Creating a leather bracer
By accepting any design, plan, component or assembly related to the so called “e-NABLE Hand”, I understand and agree that any such information or material furnished by any individual associated with the design team is furnished as is without representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, and is intended to be a gift for the sole purpose of evaluating various design iterations, ideas and modifications. I understand that such improvements are intended to benefit individuals having specific disabilities and are not intended, and shall not be used, for commercial use. I further understand and agree that any individual associated with e-NABLE organization shall not be liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of any of the materials related to the e-NABLE hand.
I am 16 years old and I have been riding dirt bikes my whole life. My mom showed me your guys page and I feel like you guys could make me something to help me ride.i had one prosthetic hand before when I was little that worked but no one has ever been able to make me an other one that worked well. I only have my thumb on my right hand but I can do everything with it it’s very Functionable. I don’t want anything complicated it could be really simple and work well all I’d need to help me is something I could slip onto my hand that would still allow me to move my wrist and that would go around the grip of my handle bar so that I could pull up and back without slipping. I don’t know who else to contact you guys so if you could please call or email me back that would be great thanks for taking the time to read this.
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Thanks for sharing this amazing project. I’d like to modify some of parts can I have a original source file that are editable?
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