The Phoenix design is currently available in three different versions:
Details about each design can be found below.
WRIST DRIVEN: User must have a functional wrist and enough palm to push against the device to force the fingers closed when wrist is bent.
For users without a functional wrist, please refer to the Unlimbited Arm, which also incorporates the Phoenix Hand design.
Phoenix Assembly Materials Kit Now Available
You can purchase an assembly materials kit for a Phoenix hand from 3D Universe by clicking here. This kit includes all of the materials needed to assemble a Phoenix v2 hand, an Unlimbited Phoenix hand, or a Phoenix Reborn hand.
A discount is available on these kits for e-NABLE members who are actively involved in the charitable fabrication of these devices. Email info@3duniverse.org for more details.
A portion of every kit sold will go towards supporting enablingthefuture.org and the e-NABLE community!
An Important Note About Assembly
The most common mistake when assembling e-NABLE Hand devices is improper tensioning of the non-flexible cords. When the non-flexible cords are tied correctly, the base of the palm should be inclined about 30-45 degrees compared to the base of the bracer (the part that goes over the arm). This will allow the recipient to activate the device without having to bend their wrist so far downwards as to cause discomfort.
Here’s an example of a properly tensioned Phoenix v2 Hand:
Phoenix v2
Files for Phoenix v2 and Assembly Guide
This is a remix of the original e-NABLE Phoenix hand by Jason Bryant with replacement components by John Diamond, Scott Darrow and Andreas Bastian. The changes from the original are as follows:
– Gauntlet – Original fully 3D printed version replaced with a thermoformed equivalent (lighter, stronger, uses less filament, quicker to print and can be adjusted to better fit the forearm)
– Gripper box components – Whippletree doesn’t require tying to the swivel pin using string. The printing support from the swivel pin should be cut/snipped/filed off before assembly. The thumb tensioner pin is shorter so it doesn’t need to protrude from the front of the gripper box.
– Thermoformable palm mesh – An easier to assemble alternative to using Velcro in the palm. Can be thermoformed and adjusted to fit the recipient. Two alternative versions, thin/thick, are provided.
– Palm with supports – The support structure uses less filament than the original and can be easily, safely and cleanly removed by hand usually without tools.
– Demo bar – Used instead of the palm mesh if the hand is to be used for demonstration purposes. It allows a person with a full set of fingers and thumb to wear the hand and operate it.
– Wrist pin – This pin has been shortened to allow it to be used with the thermoformed gauntlet.
Thermoforming the Phoenix hand v2 Gauntlet – By John Diamond
How a Whippletree works in an e-NABLE hand. – By John Diamond
Phoenix Palm Support – By John Diamond
For information on this experimental design – please visit the Forums for access to the files and the threads related to this design and it’s continued improvements!
You can read more about this design here.
Unlimbited Phoenix
Files for the Unlimbited Phoenix
The Unlimbited Phoenix design is the easiest version to print and assemble. It includes a more comfortable reverse dovetail thermo-formed gauntlet, and a cleaned palm devoid of holes which uses a thermo-formable mesh. The palm mesh is integrated directly into the palm, unlike the previous versions that require 13 screws to attach.
This design takes advantage of the Thingiverse Customizer, making it very easy to get the parts for printing in the desired scale. Just choose left or right and set the slider in the Customizer to the desired scale percentage, and you’ll receive a ZIP file containing all of the parts needed at the correct scale.
This design includes a 3D printable jig that makes it easier to thermoform the gauntlet into the correct shape. The following video tutorial shows how that part of the process works.
Phoenix Reborn
Files for the Phoenix Reborn
This is a remix of the Phoenix Hand & UnLimbited Arm, designed by Albert Fung. This project is a collaboration between e-NABLE Sierra Leone and the Hong Kong Maker Club.
It became apparent in our previous feasibility study that for the 3D printed prosthetics to survive the tropics, we need to remove components that are not well-adapted to hot weather. We therefore set out to replace all the rubber bands in the Phoenix Hand.
Palm: We used the One-Arm palm designed by below_cho as our starting point. All the cable tunnels have been widened, the knuckle stumps removed, and a bar is added at the thumb base for tying elastic cord.
Palm mesh: we have modified the thick palm mesh by John Diamond to strengthen the screw holes.
Fingers: Tunnels have been created so an elastic cord can now run all the way from the fingertip up into the palm.
Pins: For snug fitting, some of the pins have been resized and reshaped.
By accepting any design, plan, component or assembly related to the so-called “e-NABLE Hand”, I understand and agree that any such information or material furnished by any individual associated with the design team is furnished as is without representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, and is intended to be a gift for the sole purpose of evaluating various design iterations, ideas and modifications. I understand that such improvements are intended to benefit individuals having specific disabilities and are not intended, and shall not be used, for commercial use. I further understand and agree that any individual associated with e-NABLE organization shall not be liable for any injuries or damages resulting from the use of any of the materials related to the e-NABLE hand.