e-NABLE France is the sponsor of the March CREATE T.I.M.E. Design challenge with a fun contest to get your imagination’s gears turning in hopes of having a variety of creative and fun “Steampunk” themed hands to present at Maker Faire Nantes in France on the 9th and 10th of July, 2016!
• Choose ANY of the e-NABLE hand or arm designs that you would like and let your imagination and creativity run wild!
• The devices can be printed at any size you choose, but we recommend that you print it out at a large enough size for an adult to use, to allow for a variety of hands to fit inside and include a hand bar for easier grip.
• Your design does not have to be created completely from 3D printed parts. Get creative but keep in mind that 3D printed objects are lighter weight!
• You may enter as many hands as you like!
• The Steampunk hands will be showcased at the e-NABLE France booth at Maker Faire Nantes, along with the name and information on the designer/team who created it.
• The public visiting the booth will vote on the spot for their favorite designs.
• At the end of the Maker Faire, votes will be tallied and the top 3 devices with the most votes, will be declared the winners!
- To enter this contest, designs must be sent to e-NABLE FRANCE before the end of May.
Please email contact@e-nable.fr for shipping information! -
You must include a description of the hand and of the creators (Individual or team) – up to 20 lines.
You must include a photo to go along with your submission.
• Copperfill Bronzefill Filament coils
• Design shared on social networks
• Devices that are sent to e-NABLE France, will not be returned to those submitting them, unless the return is explicitly requested and arranged.
• The submitted hand designs will be retained by e-NABLE France and used at events or distributed to recipients whenever possible.
• More information about Maker Faire Nantes can be found here: www.lesmachines-nantes.fr
• Visit their Facebook Page Here.