This month’s CREATE T.I.M.E. (Think. Imagine. Make. e-NABLE.) challenge comes to you from our website sponsor Ultimaker, along with 3D Hubs and Colorfabb and it is “out of this world” awesome!
Ultimaker recently announced their newest challenge: encouraging makers of all ages to design Star Wars themed creations in hopes of winning their very own Ultimaker 2+ printers, Colorfabb filament or 3D Hubs Vouchers!
We thought it would be a great contest to share with our followers who might be inspired to design some fun Star Wars themed e-NABLE arms or hands for this contest!
Over the past year and a half, designers from the e-NABLE Community as well as Open Bionics and Limbitless Solutions teams have been designing beautiful arms to surprise their Star Wars fan recipients with!
You can find the files for this C-3PO arm HERE.
We would like to encourage you to participate in Ultimaker’s Star Wars Design Challenge by creating some fun Star Wars themed e-NABLE designs that our makers can gift our recipients who are eagerly awaiting their new 3D printed helper hands!
Please visit our “Current Designs” and choose one that you would like to use as a base to build your Star Wars themed design from!
With favorite characters like Yoda, Luke, Rey, Han Solo, Storm Troopers, Princess Leia, R2D2, C-3PO, Ewoks, Obie Wan, Chewbacca, Darth Vader, B-b8 and many others as well as incredible flying machines, light sabers, and all sorts of otherworldly creatures and mechanical contraptions to base designs off of – the possibilities are endless!
Let your imaginations travel to a “Galaxy Far Far Away….”
What can you win?
1st Prize: An Ultimaker 2+ for your home or your classroom!
2nd Prize: 6 Spools of Colorfabb nGen filament or €100 3D Hubs voucher.
3rd Prize: 2 Spools of Colorfabb nGen filament or €50 3D Hubs voucher.
How to enter?
Visit Ultimaker’s website for official rules and submission guidelines!
May the Force be with you!