Welcome to the first of many enablingthefuture.org “CREATE T.I.M.E. (Think. Imagine. Make. e-NABLE.)” Challenges!
We hope you become inspired to share your ideas and designs with the global community and use your imaginations to help us change the lives of others!
See below for information you will need to participate!
• Create useful task specific tools and fun designs that can be easily attached to the Python hand via a system of rails that will allow the end users to simply switch out their tools as needed!
While the current e-NABLE 3D printed hand designs are wonderful for some tasks, there are many activities that these hands will not work for due to their simple grasping motion and the need to bend the wrist to force the fingers to close around an object.
Maker and e-NABLE volunteer, Aaron Brown of Axislab 3D, designed the Python Utility Hand with the hope that others would be inspired to create attachments for recipients who are seeking more of a tool type hand instead of five fingered versions!
Many of our younger recipients have asked for task specific devices that they can simply switch out as needed and have given some suggestions for attachments they would be most excited about to connect to the Python hand.
Below are some requests shared by children and adults for inspiration as you begin to brainstorm your designs but please let your imaginations run wild and create whatever your imagination dreams up!
• Nail polish brush holder
• Toothbrush holder
• Paint brush/Marker/crayon holder
• Guitar/Ukelele pick holder
• Drum stick holder
• Swimming fin
• Hair dryer holder
• Video game controller holder
• Cell phone holder
• Utensil holder
• Bow and arrow holder
• Pickle jar opener
• Juice box holder
• Jump rope holder
• Fishing pole holder
• Pizza cutter holder
The list of ideas is endless!
Get creative! Have fun!
Visit the PYTHON UTILITY HAND Design page on Youmagine and download the files for the “Blank Rail Mount.”
Use Tinkercad (Free online and easy for children and adults to use!) or other design software of your choice to work on the design.
Create an attachment for the Python Hand using the 100% scale blank rail mount as a base to start with.
(Designs submitted that are not appropriate will not be considered.)
Examples of some designs already in use:
Upload your design to the file sharing site of your choice: (examples: Youmagine, Thingiverse etc) and use keyword enablecreatetime1.
*Please keep in mind that this design is listed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License and you will need to give credit to the original designer when you upload your design! For more information on this license – click here.
Submit your entry by filling out this FORM
Come back to this contest page and leave a comment below with a link to your design!
HAVE FUN and get creative!
Share this challenge on your social media sites so others can join in the fun! (Optional and not required!)
Link: http://enablingthefuture.org/enablecreatetime1/
Share images and videos of your process for potential feature on the blog/website and our social media feeds! The more fun you are having – the better!
Use hashtags: #enablethefuture and #ETFtimechallenge
Find us online at:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enableorganization
Twitter: @enablethefuture – https://twitter.com/Enablethefuture
Instagram: @enablethefuture – https://www.instagram.com/enablethefuture/
Remember that everyone is a winner – you are using your ideas to change the world!
Entries submitted between January 27th, 2016 to April 15th, 2016
Winners announced on May 16th 2016
• Task specific tools (Examples – attachments that can aid recipients in holding: jump ropes, markers/crayons/paint brushes, utensils, cell phones, video game controllers, juice box, musical instruments, drum sticks, shoelaces, zippers, tools, cups, books, toothbrushes, sports equipment, etc.)
• Just for the fun of it! (Examples: Sling shots, toys, swimming fins, laser pointers, ink stamps…get creative!)
• Individuals of any age – anywhere in the world!
If you are a seasoned pro or a beginner who wants to test your design skills and would like to put your creativity toward developing new designs for the e-NABLE Community – please join in the fun!
• Teams and Groups who wish to collaborate on designs.
Have a classroom, a scout troop, a youth group or office full of people who want to help make new designs? How about assembling a “Hack-a-thon” to bounce ideas off of each other, brainstorm and come up with new designs together! Collaboration is fun!
• Young children with adult or mentor help.
If you are a younger child or you know a child who would like to participate but may need adult help to bring their ideas to life – please participate! Young minds tend to think a lot differently and see the world in ways adults have forgotten about! Let them get creative – help foster their love for creativity, technology, STEM and more!
• Top winners will have the choice of receiving a roll of 3D printer filament from contest sponsor Axislab 3D OR a $25 gift certificate to have a design of their choice (within size limits) 3D printed for them and mailed to them.
• Winning designs will be chosen by a panel of children and adults who are currently using e-NABLE devices. If your design is chosen, your design will be 3D printed and shipped to one of the users to test and use. Once they have received your design, they will create a video to share on the blog and showcase your work!
• Winners receive an official award celebrating their work and signed by Ivan Owen, creator of the first 3D printed hand for a child born with no fingers and Jen Owen, his wife and creator of enablingthefuture.org.
• Winners will be mailed a medal, hand cast and created by Ivan Owen.
Thank you for taking the time to join us in our first e-NABLE Community “CREATE T.I.M.E.” Challenge!
Your ideas can make a difference!