This month’s challenge is a little late but we would like to encourage everyone to head over to the incredible 3D Printing Contest 2016 being put on by the wonderful folks at Instructables, who have teamed up with 3D Hubs, the world’s largest network of 3D printing services to encourage some serious creativity and problem solving using 3D printing.
They are giving away 15 of the best 3D printers chosen by their community!
For this month’s e-NABLE Community CREATE T.I.M.E. challenge, we hope that you consider entering your own design into the Health category!
There will be 3 Judge’s Prize winners for the best health related project, assistive technology, ergonomic builds, bio related or anything that makes lives better or a little easier!
For this design challenge, we encourage you to think outside of the e-NABLE “Hands” project and think of ways in which you can use 3D printing to create other assistive devices that can be easily printed and could aid others in their daily lives.
Is there something you could attach to a wheelchair that would help someone with a task or make it easier to navigate the world? Is there something you could 3D print to aid a blind person? How about something to help nurses or doctors or other caregivers attend to their patients and family members a little easier? Is there someone you know who has an illness or disease or who has been hurt in an accident or war, who struggles with something that could be solved with a simple 3D printed part or gadget?
The possibilities are endless!
You don’t have to just focus on making hands….we have brilliant minds out there who think outside of the box and have the ability to potentially “Enable The Future” of thousands of people all over the world, in all kinds of different ways!
Find your inspiration and run with it!
Share your designs with us by using #enablethefuture or #enable on twitter, instagram and facebook!
We love to see what you are creating!!
For more information on how to enter, which prizes are being offered and how to participate – please visit their contest page HERE and check out some of the prizes you can win with your entries!
Good luck!!