We are excited to announce that the Enable Alliance, headed by Maria Esquela, is once again hosting what has now become an annual conference dedicated to gathering e-NABLE Volunteers, students, educators and designers who want to learn more about e-NABLE and what has been happing in our community over the past year!
For tickets and registration – please go HERE!

The e-NABLE Annual Global Conference theme this year is “The State of Science, Technology and Our e-NABLE Community.” The Enable Alliance hosts this conference in keeping with its mission and values of mentorship, empowerment, and community, and the understanding that e-NABLE is a method, a movement, and a beautiful and beloved community/ecosystem.
Recipients, candidates and anyone who wants to attend but is facing difficulties with the costs of ticket, travel or lodging should request funds through Loomio and also contact the registrar ASAP at CampENABLE@gmail.com.

Baltimore Innovation Week
Friday, 10/5-10/11 Baltimore Innovation Week Free conferences, expos, roundtables, workshops held throughout with daily themes: Civics, Exploration, Science and Technology, Creative & Media, Dev (Code, Blockchain), Business, Access. Information and Registration at https://2019.baltimoreinnovationweek.com/events-all
Monday, October 7th
Monday, 10/7 – Newseum, and An Evening with George Will (Annenburg Theatre, 7-8 PM) The Newseum (555 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW; Washington, DC 20001) is a beautiful, vibrant and extremely thought-provoking. This evening there are a limited number of tickets for An Evening with George Will, 7-8 pm., part of the book tour for The Conservative Sensibility. Visit their website for information and tickets https://www.newseum.org/event/george-f-will-on-the-conservative-sensibility/?instance_id=53415
Tuesday, October 8th
Tuesday, 10/8 – Private behind the scenes tour of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Educators are encouraged to visit the educators’ center afterwards and pick up extra materials for their classrooms. Limited number of tickets. For tour information or registration contact the registrar at CampENABLE@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 9th
Wednesday, 10/9
- Guided walking tours of Rachel Carson’s Home and the National Mall and for those interested in aspects of e-NABLE related to journalism, advocacy, peacebuilding and sustainability. Enjoy special afternoon walking tours of the Rachel Carson home and birthplace of her book Silent Spring, the National Mall, including the Newseum, MLK Memorial, and Institute for Peace. Contact the registrar at CampENABLE@gmail.com
- Baltimore Innovation, Technology Development Day events, including a workshop on fundraising. See https://2019.baltimoreinnovationweek.com/events-all

Thursday, October 10th
Thursday, 10/10 – Key events: ENABLE LAB VISITS
Special Tours for Enable Volunteers: To register, contact the registrar for forms and instructions by September 30 at CampENABLE@gmail.com
Morning: George Mason University – Center for Adaptive Systems of Brain-Body Interactions. Siddhartha Sikdar, PhD, and postdocs Dr. Biswarup Mukherjee and Dr. Susannah Engdahl.
Afternoon: Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory; Intelligent Systems Group in the Research and Exploratory Development Department. Brock Wester, Ph.D., Project Manager and Assistant Group Supervisor for the Intelligent Systems Group in the Research and Exploratory Development; Richard Witte Endowed Professor of Materials Science and Engineering.
ALSO: Baltimore Innovation Business Day, including the EdTech Showcase and Global Travel for Entrepreneurs. Information and registration: https://2019.baltimoreinnovationweek.com/events-all

Friday, October 11th
- E-NABLE Community Review of devices and studies as a day long deep dive at the University of Maryland College Park, Stamp Student Union Building. Meet at 8 am at the Information Desk at Stamp (https://thestamp.umd.edu/The_Stamp_Student_Union/Directions_to_Stamp/Building_Map) for breakfast and set up instructions. For information or registration contact the registrar at CampENABLE@gmail.com
- Baltimore Innovation: Access Day events, including a workshops on data, technology and social innovation. See https://2019.baltimoreinnovationweek.com/events-all

Saturday, October 12th
Check in and morning activities are in Banneker Room, starting at 8:15 AM. (https://thestamp.umd.edu/The_Stamp_Student_Union/Directions_to_Stamp/Building_Map)
University of Maryland College Park
Adele H Stamp Student Union Building
3972 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20742
Enter Your Work into Saturday’s Gallery

Please feel free to add your contributions to these areas:
Give the community your voice. Recorded Stories, Music Videos: Theme: “Life is What You Make It.”
- A purpose for every hand: repurpose broken devices unfit for a recipient. Make them a starting point for your creating something that shares your point of view.
- Samples of e-NABLE in the media around the world.
- The timeline of our history.
- The Altar of Enable – Share anonymously or not about Sacrifices Made while participating in e-NABLE service.
- Fun and functional testing.
- Badges’ visual vocabulary from Parsons School of Design.
- Projects will include self-portraits from University of the District of Columbia
- Speculative sketches for projects across disciplines
POSTERS: Representations of people, chapters and projects. Data visualizations.

Morning Report with Chapters Overseas Starts at 8:20 AM.
If your chapter would like to participate virtually, please contact the registrar at CampENABLE@gmail.com before October 5.

Keynote Speakers – Saturday
Morning Keynote addresses start at 8:45 featuring:
Jen Owen
Mother of the e-NABLE Movement, founder of enablingthefuture.org and co-founder of e-NABLE.
CDR James Coburn
US Public Health Service, FDA Office of the Chief Scientist / OCET; Senior Advisor for Emerging Technologies
Consultant, Additive Manufacturing of Medical Products (AMMP) Core Facility
Michael Weinberg
Executive Director of the Engleberg Center on Innovation Law and Policy; NY University Law School
Dr. Brock Wester
Project Manager and Assistant Group Supervisor for the Intelligent Systems Group in the Research and Exploratory Development Department of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Christian Silva
Founder and Chief Technology Officer of Fabrilab
Ph.D. Candidate at CELLINK
Chad Coarsey
Analytical Development Scientist at ADMA Biologics, Inc.
Director of Operations, The Bionic Glove Project
Janet Bih Fofang
Electrical Engineer and International STEM Educator
Recipient of the Grace Hopper Award in Education
Group Photo After Morning Break
All others are encouraged to use the food court in the main area of the Stamp Student Union Building.
Food deliveries from area vendors may not be consumed in the Stamp Student Union Building.

Afternoon programs are short workshop and panel formats representing workgroup activity and projects in the community on the following tracks:
- Getting Started / Lifetime Learning: For educators and students, community leaders and e-NABLE volunteers, and families. Medical Advisors start on this track. This track will address curriculum, inclusion, collaboation, international experiences and preparation for field work. Supporting, developing and documenting development of workforce skills and professional competencies for employment and educational opportunities.
- Devices and Hardware: Hands on the future: features presentation from George Mason University regarding miniaturized ultrasound transducers instead of myoelectric technologies. Christian Silva on Bioprinting. Hands on overview of current and developing devices, skills, studies. For designers, engineers, and fabricators.
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Professional Development. Sessions include Blockchain for Healthcare; Data and Identity; Sustainability; Generating Revenue; Ethical Filament; R&D Funding Discussions. Capturing and leveraging evidence for future opportunities. For professionals and emerging scientists and innovators.
- Kids Activities: Volunteer led indoor and outdoor activities. Indoor: Rapid prototyping and leadership exercises, a deconstructed hackathon using cardboard engineering, and cosplay costume workshop. Outdoors: Sports themed activiites to inform innovation. See schedule in registration packet.
4:45: GROUP CLOSING: Presentations for the good of all
Posting of workshop summaries, findings and alerts to the community from working group representatives. Calls for action.
eNABLE Safe Haven. Identifying vulnerable members of the community and risks to address: creating a safe haven for all.
Final Word: Recipients’ Feedback.
5:45 – 7 PM HARD STOP
Use this time for self care: faith observances, dinner, friends, the labyrinth and gardens next to the Memorial Chapel. Visit The Leaf House – green building and solar powered meeting house on campus.
It’s Party Time! – Saturday Evening

7-8:30 PM ENABLE New Year Party – Costumes encouraged, but should be in good taste and not restrict one from being able to bowl, game or enjoy billiards.
7:15 PM Opens with thank you’s, awards, and recognitions. Group Picture.
7:15-8:15 PM Storytelling Stage: Theme: “Life is What You Make It.”
A full community event including storytellers from around the globe.
All stories in good taste, but as the hour unwinds, younger children with a caregiver should go to the party.
Estimated Pacing:
- 30 minutes for family and inspirational.
- 15 minutes for scary stories in honor of the Ghost in the Machine, but not limited to that theme. Children may be dismissed before the last story.
- 15 minutes for adults, due to the language or mature themes and details/content of the story.
Please email links to audio or video recording, a story summary, assertion that story is truth or fiction, and your movie audience rating for your 3 minute or 5 minute story on the theme “Life is What You Make It.” to the registrar at campenable@gmail.com.
Recorded presentations can be made in advance to be shared at this event, especially from people who are not present. Videos are encouraged from all ages, to prevent nerves or fatigue from getting in the way of sharing your story, even if you are present at the time of event.
Sunday, October 13th

SUNDAY, October 13 ENABLECON Day 2 at the East Coast Rep Rap Festival
East Coast Rep Rap Festival: APG Arena and Chesapeake Center
http://eastcoastreprapfestival.com/ Sunday -10/13 10 AM – 4 pm
Harford Community College
401 Thomas Run Road
Bel Air, MD 21015-1697
At the East Coast Rep Rap Festival we will hold skills workshops open to all at the festival, including a workshop in extrusion and using recycled filament from the Filabot staff and a talk by Eric Bubar. Most workshops will be in the Centennial Dining Room. Please refer to your guide for times and locations, including presentations on the conference’s Build Platform, a stage in the main festival area.
10 AM: The Festival opens. Enable Conference Participants will receive festival materials at the information desk and enter as a group.
11-1 in the Centennial Dining Room: e-NABLE orientation, hands on skills presentations. Filament Extrusion training in Filabot demonstration area.
1-4 Lunch and review of a 2 year plan for e-NABLE Community building. Filament Extrusion training in Filabot demonstration area.
If you need a ride to or from the East Coast Rep Rap Festival, please alert the registrar at CampENABLE@gmail.com before October 2.
We hope you can join us this year!