“You know, DISABILITY is a funny word.
Disability means you CAN’T do something.
It’s not a disease…and it’s not even a property of a person.
A person doesn’t have a disability…a person has a disability if he is in a world where he can’t do something.
If I didn’t have glasses in a world in which there is lots of fine print – I would be disabled. As it is, I am just a guy who wears glasses. The technology of eyeglasses, turned near sightedness and far sightedness into a nuisance, when it used to be a disability.
New technology is going to turn things like you are missing a hand or you can’t move your body or you have brain damage into a nuisance, rather than a disability.”
– John Schull – Founder of e-NABLE
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All sorts of things! Printing parts, assembling, design work, info gathering, tutorial making and more!
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