While most of our many generous e-NABLE members want to provide these devices to others at no cost – there are many who have 3D printers in areas around the World where there is a larger need for these devices and little to no access to the hardware and materials required to create these hands for the people that need them the most.
We have makers in countries where it is near impossible to obtain the screws, padding and cabling that these hands require to function and we hope to start sending pre packaged kits to these places so they have the ability to make hands for anyone that needs one and to ensure they have good quality materials to build them with.
It costs between $20-$50 just for the Hardware and materials to produce a fully assembled hand with padding or leather.
Rolls of Plastic Filament cost between $40-$60 per roll. (One Roll can make many hands.)
We welcome any amount you have to offer and we appreciate those that can not give – but share their support for what we hope to accomplish with this beautiful Maker Movement and our dream to Enable the Future.
All Donations and Gifts are Tax Deductible.
What will your Donations be used for?
• Plastic for printing parts and completed hands
• Hardware (Screws, rivets, Velcro etc)
• Leather (For the Talon Hand)
• Medical Grade Foam Padding
• Medical Grade Orthoplastic
• Shipping costs from Maker to User
Some of our future goals of the e-NABLE group that require funding:
• Setting up “Service Stations” at Maker Faires and Events.
– People who are in need of a hand for themselves or their child – can find an event near them in their city or state and find the e-NABLE Community’s table. They can then get measured and fill out an intake form and have a volunteer help match them up with a maker in the area who has volunteered to create parts or completed hands, get help finding one of our designs that best fits their need and in some cases, leave with a hand to take home by the end of the event.
- Print materials and information packets that can be handed out at Events, Maker Faires and Occupational Therapist offices who are interested in creating these for their clients/patients.
• Travel costs for Makers to get to events around the globe and potentially fly to remote areas where the need is the greatest, help set up a station and teach the local people how to make the hands so they can help many people who need them.
If you would like to help provide the Makers at E-Nable with the materials they need to produce these hands for children in need – please visit our Donation’s page.
You can click on the photo above or HERE to be directed to our Donations form.
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