“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” – George Bernard Shaw
Last month, Jon Shull (The founder of the E-Nable group) and one of our high school designers, Nick Parker were asked to speak at ScienceOnline 2014 by another member of the E-nable group, Karyn Traphagen, who had found the E-Nable group after meeting Ivan Owen in Seattle during his TedXRaineer Talk.
You can watch the video of their talk here or by clicking on the photo above. (Their talk comes in around the 5 minute mark.)
While there to speak, Jon and Nick were also able to meet Tully for the first time – a young boy who not only does not have fingers, but also does not have a wrist to power our current designs. Nick has been working on a design for a little girl named “Grace” and has been working with Tully’s Mom Karen to come up with a hand design that will work for him as well as any other children who have the same limb difference.
(Photos courtesy of Russ Creech)
E-nable is about sharing ideas, giving them away and taking those gifts, redesigning and then re-gifting – over and over…sharing it with as many people as possible.
If you would like to join our efforts, please feel free to message us on Facebook, email us at info@enablingthefuture.org or join us in our Google+ community where you can share ideas, help design or help print parts for people who want to try making a hand for someone!