Our E-Nable Map

Did you know that we have a map that will show you where our volunteers are located?

The E-Nable map is growing every day as more and more people are volunteering their time and offering to print parts and designs for those that are in need of a mechanical hand device and do not have a printer of their own. It is also a place for those that are seeking a device – to add themselves to the map so that they can connect with a volunteer in their area.

If you are a 3d printing enthusiast or a designer, engineer, garage tinkerer, professor, medical professional, or even a school or university – that would like to offer up your printer to create fingers and hands for people that are interested in trying a new design and assembling a device – please add yourselves to the map and join the Google+ group!

The Google+ group is where you will find discussions on new designs, collaborations, updated files and a place to ask each other questions.

We have so many different levels of knowledge amongst our members and all of them are happy to direct you and teach you how to create one of these devices or help solve design issues as more people test them out and give them feedback.

If you are interested in joining and being part of the growing group of “Makers” that are Making a difference – please visit the Google+ group!

Make sure you introduce yourselves!

2 thoughts on “Our E-Nable Map

  1. Robert Lien Reply

    Love the Future,
    However, at 80 years I find myself on very limited income, and getting assistance is harder every where (not working, soooo) I would love to check the availability in my area (Right hand)

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